Day Care Flexible Spending Account
Plan Year & Enrollment
The benefit plan year starts September 1st and ends August 31st. Employees who want to continue the Health Care FSA benefit must re-enroll each year during Spring Enrollment. Employees may also make eligible changes if they experience a qualifying event allowed by the IRS for Cafeteria Plans. To be eligible to enroll in the Day Care FSA, you must have a qualifying dependent. The dependent must be a child(ren) up to age 13, or any person of any age whom you claim as a dependent on your federal income tax return. For more information, visit the Benefits webpage.
FSA Funds Grace Period
You have until November 15th of a given plan year to incur eligible expenses if you have a remaining balance in your Health Care FSA from the previous plan year. You have until November 30th to submit the eligible expenses incurred through November 15th. Please keep in mind, if you still have a balance remaining after November 30th, you will forfeit that money per IRS guidelines.
2024-25 Plan Year Updates
The maximum Day Care Flexible Spending Account election is $5,000 per household. If you enroll in the Day Care FSA, you must have a dependent who is 12 years old or younger with qualifying Day Care expenses. For more information on qualifying expenses, visit Navia’s Day Care FSA webpage.

2023-24 Day Care FSA Plan Overview
Watch this video to learn more about the Navia Day Care FSA plan. This video includes the following topics:
What is a Day Care FSA
How to Use a Day Care FSA
How Much to Elect
How to Access FSA Funds
Benefit plan information

Navia FSA Member Flyer

Navia FSA Summary of Benefits

Navia FSA Plan Document