2025-26 Certified Work Schedule Calendar Summary
188 - Teacher, SLP, Nurse, Librarian, OT/PT 2025-26
190 - Elem. Counselor, Social Worker 2025-26
193 - Psychologists and Career Counselor 2025-26
200 - ROTC 2025-26
203 - Elementary Assistant Principals 2025-26
205 - Secondary Counselors 2025-26
208 - Elementary Principals 2025-26
213 - Jr. High Principals, Jr. High and Sr. HS Assistant Principals 2025-26
223 - DSC Supervisors 2025-26
223 - Senior High Principal 2025-26
244 - DSC Central Administrators 2025-26
2025-26 Classified Work Schedule Calendar Summary
179 - Food Service Senior High 2025-26
179 - Food Service Junior High 2025-26
181 - Food Service Elementary 2025-26
183 - Classified Employees (Paras, School Support, etc.) 2025-26
186 - Library Paraprofessionals 2025-26
190 - Transition Specialists 2025-26
198 - Admin Asst Secondary Attendance 2025-26
202 - FDSR Site Operations Specialist 2025-26
203 - Admin Asst to Elem Principals/Comm Sch Coord 2025-26
203 - Admin Asst to Secondary Counselors 2025-26
204 - Community Ed Clerk Coordinator 2025-26
213 - Registrar, Business Tech, Bookkpr, Student Records 2025-26
218 - Admin Asst to Sr. High Principals and Admin Asst IMC 2025-26
222 - Admin Asst to DSC Supervisors 2025-26
244 - DSC Central Administration Staff 2025-26
255 - Facilities and Operations Staff 2025-26
256 - Just For Kids JFK Staff 2025-26
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