The District offers employees the opportunity to participate in the Wellness Program to qualify for enrollment in the Wellness Medical Plan which has lower premiums, copayments, and deductible expenses. Click here to find more information about the District’s Wellness Program.
2024-25 Plan Year Updates
As previously announced on April 11, 2024, in the Memo | Joint Insurance Communique | Increase in Health Insurance Premiums, medical plan premiums will increase by 9.8%. View this short video (3:16 minutes) for more information on the medical plan benefits.

Wellness Medical Plan Summary of Benefits

Standard Medical Plan Summary of Benefits

Plan Year & Enrollment
The benefit plan year starts September 1st and ends August 31st. Once you have enrolled in the plan, the plan will automatically renew each year unless you make allowable changes during the Spring Enrollment period or you experience a qualifying event allowed by the IRS for Cafeteria Plans. For more information, visit the Benefits webpage. The deductible will reset at the beginning of each plan year.
Insurance Cards
Once enrolled in the plan, employees will receive a member card at the mailing address on file with the District.
The card will arrive in an “unidentifiable”, plain envelope for employee protection.
The card will arrive within four (4) weeks of the effective date of coverage. If the card does not arrive in a timely manner, please contact Regence Member Services at (888) 675-6570 or visit
Additional Services by Regence
For more information on covered services or any of the programs listed below, visit

Doctor On Demand
Beginning September 1, 2023

Teladoc Health -
Emotional Health Support

Preventative Health Care

Doctor On Demand -
Behavioral Health
Beginning September 1, 2023

Regence Pregnancy Program

Find a Doctor & Cost Estimator

Regence Advantages
Walgreens Discount
To be eligible for coverage, dependents must meet the eligibility requirements:
The person to whom you are legally married (spouse).
Your (or your spouse's) child who is under age 26 and who meets any of the following criteria:
Your (or your spouse's) natural child, step child, adopted child or child legally placed with you (or your spouse) for adoption;
A child for whom you (or your spouse) have court-appointed legal guardianship; and
A child for whom you (or your spouse) are required to provide coverage by a legal qualified medical child support order (QMCSO).
You (or your spouse's) otherwise eligible child who is age 26 or over and incapable of self-support because of intellectual disability or physical handicap that began before their 26th birthday, if you complete and submit Regence Blue Shield's affidavit of dependent eligibility form, with written evidence of the child's incapacity, within 31 days of the later of the child's 26th birthday or your Effective Date and either:
They are an enrolled child immediately before their 26th birthday; or their 26th birthday preceded your Effective Date and they have been continuously covered as your dependent on group coverage since that birthday.