New Certified Employees
We welcome you as a part of the certified staff of the Boise School District. Our goal is to ensure seamless, stress-free onboarding into employment as a certified staff member. To assist with this goal, we have provided the requirements for new certified staff members below. Please review each of the sections below, complete the necessary steps, and once finished, contact the Human Resources Department to schedule an appointment to turn in your required paperwork and complete the remainder of the hiring process. If you have questions, please contact us by phone at 208-854-4074 (option 2) or via email at

Use the Checklist for New Certified Employees to ensure you meet all the necessary new employee requirements.
Official Documents
IMPORTANT: The following documents must be hand-delivered or mailed to the Human Resources Department.
Current Idaho Credential (no photocopies)
Official University and College Transcripts (no photocopies)
We need the original transcript(s) from your college or university for any undergraduate or graduate work completed.
Note: if you have opened the envelope we will still accept as official transcript(s)Official electronic transcripts are acceptable. Please send to
Prior Employment Forms
This fillable/printable form is only for new employees who have certified experience in another school district
Please complete this form and distribute to all prior schools districts
Verification of Service - Nurse/SLP
This fillable/printable form is only for new employees who have Nurse or Speech-Language Pathology (SLP) experience at a prior employer
Please complete this form and distribute to all prior employers
Sick Leave Transfer Request Form
This form is to transfer sick leave from your previous Idaho School District only
Please complete this form and distribute to prior school district only
Additional Documents & Forms
Code of Ethics Signature Sheet - print and sign after reviewing the Code of Ethics Booklet
Direct Deposit - form will be given at appointment. REQUIRED: Voided check or Direct Deposit Authorization Form (with account and routing number).
Federal I-9 Form - requires identification (Most Common: Driver's License & Social Security Card or Birth Certificate OR a current passport).Click here for full instructions
Worker's Compensation Acknowledgement - please keep a copy of our Designated Provider List
Emergency Contact Form - also available to update in Employee Online
Questionnaire Regarding PERSI Membership - All new District employees must complete this brief questionnaire and return to Human Resources.
Sick Bank Information Page - benefit eligible employees will automatically be enrolled in the sick bank. Visit the webpage for more information or to opt-out.
Optional Documents & Forms
OMNI Online Salary Reduction Form – For Part-Time or Substitute Employees: to enroll in a new 403(b)/457 Plan, Step 1 is to select a vendor of your choice from the District Approved Service Provider/Vendor List. Contact the vendor and establish an account.
OMNI 403(b) Salary Reduction Agreement printable pdf form - To begin a new salary reduction or make changes to an existing salary reduction for a 403(b)/457 Plan, complete the OMNI Salary Reduction Agreement.
District Approved Retirement Investment Service Provider/Vendor List
PERSI Choice 401(k) Salary Reduction Agreement - To begin plan contributions simply complete the PERSI Choice 401(k) Salary Reduction Agreement and submit the form to the payroll department. In order to enroll in the 401(k) plan, you must be a PERSI member. All full-time employees are automatically PERSI members.
Schedule and Appointment with the Certified Office
Once you have completed all requirements outlined above,
Please call Human Resources at 208-854-4074 (option 2) to schedule your appointment to turn in all required materials
Review the Professional Development information in the next section
Please note the following when you come to your appointment:
You will be photographed for your District ID badge
You may be fingerprinted for the FBI Criminal Background Check (if applicable)
Induction Program for New to District Certified Staff
The Boise School District and the Boise Education Association are continuously striving to provide the highest possible quality of education. We recognize that for students to be successful, our district must support the teachers, counselors, social workers, psychologists, nurses and other certified educators to increase their efficacy and agency. You will have the opportunity to work with a variety of experienced Mentor Leaders who have mastered their craft, are dedicated to promoting excellence in the teaching profession and have interest in working closely with colleagues to improve the quality of their instruction. Throughout the year, you will be invited to participate in rich, meaningful learning opportunities to help you be successful. The following documents will provide you with the next steps. Thank you for choosing the Boise School District.
What's Next?
Once you have completed all requirements and met with Human Resources, please be aware of the following:
Benefited employees (.5 FTE or greater) will receive an email from the Benefits Department to enroll
You will receive login information for Aesop, the District's Substitute Placement and Absence Management system
You will be provided with a District Email (offered through Google Apps for Education) and District computer network login
Click here to access our Account Login resource page!